About Rayonex
Rayonex in the Sauerlands of Germany is the developer of a holistic health system based on bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt. Schmidt was a visionary engineer and scientist who believed in treating the root causes rather than the symptoms. He found a way to harness resonating frequencies in nature for healing and strengthening. His technology led to development of bioresonance devices with proven efficacy and certification as Class IIa medical devices in the EU.

- What is bioresonance?
- How can it improve health?
- What are its applications?
- Why has Rayonex built pyramids in the Sauerlands?
- Are there any studies to show bioresonance works?
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Research Studies
A number of human and cell studies have shown the safety and effectiveness of bioresonance devices by Rayonex. A 2019 double-blind, randomised controlled study provided scientific proof that the Polar 4.0 was effective in treating patients with cervical spine syndrome. A 2014 study on the wound-healing effect of the Mini-Rayonex was done by Dartsch Scientific GmbH (Institute of Cell Biological Test Systems). It showed that normal cell metabolism was up 45% after 24 hours exposure to the Mini compared to controls, and wound healing was faster by 20% after 3 days exposure.