The example of tuning forks best illustrates resonance. When two tuning forks are identical, with the same tone and frequency, they have the same oscillation characteristics and are in resonance. When one is pinged, it will not only vibrate and make a sound, but will stimulate a similar response in the nearby fork. This form of resonance is between non-living things.
Bioresonance is when there is resonance involving a living matter. An example of bioresonance in nature is the effect of sunlight on our skin. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays induce tanning of our skin, as well as the production of Vitamin D. These are biochemical processes that happen because UV rays resonate with our bodily mechanisms that cause pigmentation and the making of Vitamin D. If those UV frequencies are removed from the sunlight spectrum, pigmentation will not occur. When frequencies affect living things by triggering biochemical processes, we have a process called bioresonance.
Rayonex founder Paul Schmidt postulated that an organism’s self-regulation mechanism can be stimulated by resonating frequencies, the same way that sunlight as a frequency spectrum can induce physical responses.
All cells vibrate rhythmically in an inter-connected environment of wave patterns, each performing a function in the essential processes of life. When something goes wrong in cellular dynamics, we become ill. Resonating frequencies give subtle signals and energies to cells to induce self-healing mechanisms. Bioresonance restores health through providing the right signalling, or information, in correct and harmonious frequency patterns.
A detailed explanation of cell dynamics, subtle energies and biofield regulation can be found in this research report:
Paul Schmidt understood that a bioresonance response can be positive or negative, depending on the intensity of the frequencies and the shape of the oscillating waves. A natural oscillation such as that from sunlight has a sine wave which is harmonious with living organisms. But the same frequency with a square-wave oscillation, such as that typically emitted by digital mobile communications systems, can cause energy deficits.

Schmidt found through experience that the harmonic sine wave produces the most beneficial, harmonising effect, without the possibility of causing any harm. Putting his knowledge into application, he invented a unique bioresonance system using dipole antennae that can produce frequency spectra in natural, harmonious sine waves.
Bioresonance can be used for therapy for humans and animals in:
- Immune boosting
- Energy boosting
- Allergen de-sensitisation
- Insomnia
- Stress reduction (from pathogens, EMFs, geopathic stress, physical or mental stress)
- Detox and elimination
- Skin issues
- Digestive support
- Endocrine support
- Joint, muscle and skeletal support
- Post-operation or post-injury support
- Post-vaccination support
- Organ strengthening
- Alleviation in chronic illnesses
- Alleviation of Cervical Spine Syndrome symptoms (proven in 2019 clinical study)
The idea was to use architecture to create an eco-environment that provides good energy for Rayonex staff, customers, students and visitors.
The pyramid-shaped buildings were erected on sites unburdened by geopathic interferences, with electromagnetic fields (EMFs) reduced to a minimum. The pyramid geometry was chosen for its propensity to store and disperse harmonious energy. The building interiors are illuminated by full spectrum light, the walls lined with beeswax making them breathable and chemical-free. There is a geothermal heating system, solar panels and rainwater recycling to ensure eco use of resources, and optimal temperature, lighting and ventilation for occupants.
The pyramids provide ample space for research, product development, therapy, educational seminars and training courses. They are a symbol for the company’s holistic attitude towards healthy living.
A 2019 double-blind, randomised controlled study provided scientific proof that the Polar 4.0 bioresonance device was safe and effective for treating patients with cervical spine syndrome (CSS). A summary of the clinical study and the full report in English are available.
A 2014 study of the bioresonance effect of the Mini-Rayonex on cell cultures was done by Dartsch Scientific GmbH (Institute of Cell Biological Test Systems). The in vitro study showed that cell metabolism was stimulated by 45% after 24 hours exposure to the Mini-Rayonex compared to controls, and wound healing was sped up by 20% after 3 days exposure. A full report in English is available. There is also a one-minute time-lapsed video on wound healing with and without a Mini-Rayonex from the same experiment.
A 2011 efficacy study of Rayonex devices including the Polar and the PS10, using 7,000 cell cultures of human fibroblasts and keratinocytes, was done by the Fraunhofer Institute in Dresden. Results showed bioresonance treatments increased metabolic activity of fibroblasts by up to 8%, and increased wound-healing cell division activity of damaged cells by 40%. A further finding was that there were no morphological changes to all the treated cells, showing that influence from the devices did not cause any side effects. A summary report in English is available.
A 2011 study of the Polar’s effectiveness in pain relief was conducted by Dr Axel Schußmann and Dr Karin Schußmann, who published a report of 30 cases. After an average of 12.4 Polar treatments, each between 20-45 minutes, over an average of 32 days, the patients with various pain symptoms reported overall improvement in pain relief. The average starting pain score of 7.8 on a scale of 1-10 dropped to 4.4 at the end of the treatment period, and dropped further to an average of 2.5 in follow-up visits after an average of 38 days. A full report in English is available.